Ann Hui's latest romantic comedy All About Love stars Vivian Chow and William Chan as two young lovers who meet online, have a one night stand, and then find out they're going to have a baby. Unsure how to deal with this unexpected news, Vivian Chow's Anita decides that she might be a lesbian. We have your first look at this hilarious and touching coming-of-age story with three exclusive photos, which you can check out below:

Sandra Ng and Vivian Chow in All About Love
William Chan and Eddie Cheung in All About Love
Eddie Cheung and Sandra Ng in All About Love

Anita (Vivian Chow) meets 19-year-old Mike (William Chan) online, and gets pregnant unexpectedly after their first date and one-night-stand. She is torn between having an abortion and keeping the baby. Macy (Sandra Ng Kwan Yue), a lawyer by profession, is bi-sexual and fears commitment. Her two good friends Eleanor (Joey Meng) and Wai Wai (Jo Kuk) are eager to find a loving partner for her. Robert (Siu-Fai Cheung) runs an advertisement company next door to Macy's office. His wife sues him for domestic violence and demands a divorce. Robert hires Macy to defend him in court. Macy counsels Robert on his chauvinism. She succeeds in helping him win back his wife's love and they settle out of lawsuit. At the same time, Macy finds out she is pregnant with Robert's baby. Macy and Anita meet when they sign up for counseling courses at